09 Oct 2023 |
Featured Post |
Once again, on a holy day of the Jewish calendar, the people of Israel have come under attack. Once again, the brave military forces of the State of Israel are responding and will defend our beloved Jewish state. And, once again, Jewish Federations across North America will act immediately and comprehensively to support our brothers and sisters as they defend Israel.
The prayer for the State of Israel we recite in synagogue every week – including this morning – says ונתת שלום בארץ ושמחת עולם ליושביה – “Grant peace in the land and happiness to all its residents.” On this day, which is the holiday of Simchat Torah in Israel – we sing and dance with simcha – with happiness. Today is not a day of simcha in Israel, but it is a day of solidarity, determination and utmost seriousness.
Now, more than ever, our friends and family in Israel need your support.
What can you do?
1) Donate: Jewish Federations have opened a fund to support Israel. Please donate here: https://jfeds.org/israelfund2023 or use this QR code
2) Advocate: Tell your elected officials and representatives to support Israel: https://jfeds.org/OperationSwordsofIronActionAlert
Am Israel Chai!