As we celebrate more than 200 years of Jewish life in Iowa and more than 20 years as a historical society, your support can make a real difference.
Without your help, the stories of Jewish life in Iowa and the documents and artifacts that we preserve could be lost to future generations. Your generosity enables us to continue this important work in ways above and beyond what our membership fees are able to fund, such as the upgrades to our collection storage, reaching out and welcoming more students and visitors of all ages, and finding new ways to share our history with people in our state and around the world.
Annual gifts provide general operating support to all areas of the museum. These gifts enable the Iowa Jewish Historical Society to inspire people from every background to connect with and preserve Iowa’s Jewish history and culture every day. But we can’t do it alone.
Your tax-deductible gift supports:
To give by mail, please send your check to:
The Iowa Jewish Historical Society
33158 Ute Ave.
Waukee, IA 50263
We are grateful for each donation and award of financial support that Historical Society receives. For questions about donating, please call the Society’s Director, Sandi Yoder at 515-987-0899 ext. 216.