Community Service Senior Life Center (or another Jewish organization)
Welcome to our high school class at Beit Sefer Shalom! Your child will attend school on Wednesdays from 7:00-8:30pm. Like all of our classrooms, the high school curriculum is customized for grades 9 through 12.
By the end of the program (four years), students will be able to:
A core aspect of successful supplemental Jewish school programs is to align the goals of specific programs with larger school goals. In order to achieve this, we offer a four-year high school curriculum based on the core values of the Jewish Federation and Community School – L’Dor V’Dor, Community, Hatikvah, Social Justice. Specifically, each year will revolve around exploring one or more related values.
Community Service Senior Life Center (or another Jewish organization)
Current Events and Issues in the Jewish Community (led by clergy, experts in the community on specific topics, teachers, etc.) and Wednesday night Hebrew
Have community member or lay leader lead an activity with the students and Wednesday night Hebrew. Some possible activities:
Field Trip to sites in the Jewish Community/Community Building Social Activity somewhere in Des Moines
High school students are invited to join our Madrichim program and Student to Student (STS) program. As a Senior Madrich, your teen will become a student mentor and develop leadership skills for their next step into young adulthood. STS offers the opportunity to increase cultural awareness about Judaism in the larger community.